The surface world of Calbion is divided into five continents, though only two have been explored to any extent. The continent of Nordeland or Northland as it is more commonly referred to may as well be the centre of the world as far as this guide is concerned, as most of this book focuses on it.
South of Northland, across the Midditazarian Sea, or Midsea as most call it, lies the continent of Southrend or Southland, known mostly as the land of deserts. This is inaccurate, as the southern half of that continent is actually made up of jungles.
The Westaltlanian Ocean, or Westsea and the Eastinicurian Ocean or Eastsea lie to the west and east of Northland (notice a naming trend yet?), and are really rather vast oceans. Few have successfully navigated these oceans, and only rumours and whispers of wild continents far away hint at the existence of Westlantis or Westland and Easterlan also known as Eastland, though early historical records suggests a significant amount of the population of Northland migrated from those lands due to various conflicts and disasters.
A few radical thinkers believe Eastland and Westland are the same continent, though that is seen as foolishness by most respectable cartographers.
Last but not least, there is Darkendor or Darkland, a continent rumoured to exist far, far to the south, which is thought to be permanently covered in ice, and never sees the sun.
It is rumoured that the far below the depths of the seas, the water breathing Merfolk have constructed a vast undersea empire. They are believed to have little interest in the surface of sea, only rarely making contact with sailors.
The vast majority of the dwarves and goblins of Calbion are said to live in the subterranean regions. Below the surface, great Dwarven Kingdoms war in the darkness with the Goblin Nations. Dark Elves, or Drow are also rumoured to exist in the subterranean, though this may simply be fairy tale.
Far above the reach of any airship, the fabled Cloudlands are thought to float beyond the sight of the flightless, and bird people or even sky elves are rumoured to inhabit the floating isles, though that may be but the daydreams of those with their heads in the clouds.
Legends speak of the Seven Elemental Gates to the realms of the Ancients. Two are said to located at the north and south poles, while four others are said to lie on the equator. The final gate is buried in the centre of the underworld. The gates are said to be guarded by terrible and unspeakable monstrosities, and require long forgotten magic to reopen. Several races, including elves and orcs are said to have originated from worlds on the other sides of these gates. Some say that the flow of magic itself is regulated by these gates.
Alas, this guide deals only with the surface lands of Calbion. I assure you the surface has more than enough to keep any adventurer busy for a lifetime.