Capital: | Weschester |
Population: | 1,800,000 (37% elf, 34% human, 12% half-elf, 9% gnome, 8% other) |
Exports: | Luxuries, wondrous magical items, perfume, wine |
Languages: | Common, Elven, Gnomish, Draconic |
Official Colour(s): | Aquamarine(greenish blue) |
Official Motto: | “Tae dori templus este majestor.” (Elvish for: “The civilized future is magic.”) |
Possibly the most civilized and reasonable nation of the former Dorian Empire remnants, Tesdoria is relatively cultured and urbanized, having once been the core of the Dorian Empire. Considered somewhat decadent by many of its neighbours, the country boasts a substantially magic-based economy.
Most of the Tesdorian economy is based on magical processes. Golems are used for most laborious tasks, and even minor laborers know some cantrips. This has given Tesdorians an undeserved reputation for laziness.
Life and Society
Almost every aspect of Tesdorian life involves the use of magic to enrich people’s lives. Magehood is a prestigious position, and high-ranking mages overwhelmingly make up the nobility and government.
Government and Politics
The Kingdom of Tesdoria is now a member of the League of Free Kingdoms, and opposes the further expansion of the empires of the Pax Imperium.
Queen Evlyn Teloset (CG female elf, aristocrat 4) is the most recently crowned monarch. A long time friend of Princess Annette of Alanista, she shares a general dislike for the responsibilities thrust upon her.
While the queen generally delegates to First Minister Gerard Freldriser (LE male elf, aristocrat 10/wizard 2), some believe the Minister resents taking orders from such a young irreverent queen.
Power Groups
Militarily weak, the country relies on powerful ancient magical defences, alliances, diplomacy and trade to keep its independence. It’s all-volunteer army and navy are quite well paid, but not the most loyal. The traditions of Elven archery are seen throughout the Tesdorian ranks, and a disproportionate number of soldiers are archers or combat mages, with only a small contingent of melee fighters.
The Rebuilders also have a strong presence in Tesdoria.
A pantheon of elvish deities tend to be worshiped most in Tesdoria.
A secretive group of demon hunters is also believed to make their home in Tesdoria. Though little is known of them, they are rumoured to be associated with the Chalice. One of their more famous members is Xanaphilia (CG female elf, ranger 6/sorcerer 1/arcane archer 8), the fearsome Ranger of the Sacred Arrow, who legends say has slain countless demons in her centuries of life, though some claim her years of fighting the darkness have taken a toll on her sanity, others say she has always been a bit… quirky.
Major Settlements / Important Sites
Weschester: Known for it’s unique crystalline structures, the capital of Tesdoria is not only a seat of power, but a literal nexus of magic energies. It was built atop a powerful node of elementi, and as such magic in the area is uniquely powerful.
Adventuring In Tesdoria
Mages tend to be able to do more and get away with more than mundanes. If you happen to be traveling through here, it may be wise to have a mage leading your party. Tesdorians have a low opinion of the magically challenged.