The Chalice is a semi-secret organization dedicated to The Light, with the goal of foiling the efforts of dark beings upon the material plain. Though founded in Athaeria, and though many of its members are clerics or paladins of Athaerius, the Chalice does not answer to either the Empress or the Church of Athaerius. However, it is known that both the Empress and Grand Crusader have seats upon the Lightning Council of the Chalice.
The Chalice tends to keep to itself, pursuing its efforts to stamp out demons and devils wherever they may be found, but it has often sided with Athaeria against Zhakhustra. Fiendish intervention is, after all, a favourite tactic of the Zhakhustrans to gain an advantage over their longtime adversaries.
The eventual goal of the Chalice, as described to the Athaerian government, is the retrieval of a mighty artifact called the Chalice of Light. This artifact was stolen long ago, and is now hidden somewhere in the hells. The Chalice believes that if the dark beings can be utterly thwarted upon the material realm, the way will be open for a glorious crusade onto the lower planes themselves, to restore the Chalice of Light to its rightful owner.