The Society


The Society is a result of humanity being the first civilization in this region of the universe developing time travel, allowing the Society to establish Temporal Superiority in their region. They are also known as the Society of Light (SOL) as they are primarily descended from the old LIGHT civilization, and from the even older humans of the Sol system.


The Society is a functional utopia in the far distant future. Philosophically, their government follows an advanced form of Utilitarianism and seeks to achieve the greatest good for all, maximizing the happiness of all sentient beings throughout spacetime.

Although resources are not unlimited, there is such an abundance of energy from being able to farm stars that limitations such as poverty are unheard of, and the populace can use matter construction to convert energy into any material thing they could possibly want.

The Society is a vast, far-flung space-faring civilization spanning multiple galaxies in the local cluster, connected using wormhole technology to provide almost instant transport between settled areas.

Many of the citizens of the Society exist within virtual reality worlds built into Dyson swarms surrounding stars. Some actually choose to live on planets in synthetic bodies that are functionally immortal. Reproduction of the basic human form is mostly a mixture of synthetic and genetically engineered cloning, with parents being able to choose any combination of traits for their children. Natural birth is exceedingly rare, and mostly a choice of experience for the few that want it.

A significant fraction of the Society is made up of post-human entities such as genetically engineered numans, hybridized cyborgs, or completely artificial synths.

The alignment problem is considered solved, using social technology in the form of advanced moral game theoretic models that prove the long-term superiority of cooperation over competition. The government thus consists primarily of a benevolent alliance of superintelligent synthetic entities that work together under a system of consensus, with weighted direct democratic fallbacks where disagreement is substantial enough to warrant it. In theory, every sentient being has a certain number of votes proportional to its sentience rating, but in practice the superintelligences tend to do most of the heavy lifting.


The military forces of the Society rely heavily on time travel to maintain a strong edge in terms of intelligence and strategic positioning. They also have particularly advanced technologies that seem almost like magic to the uninitiated.

Page last modified on September 17, 2023, at 09:16 AM
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