The rise of the Xenocross began with a faction of Zenith Imperium genotypes that attempted to combine human and alien genetics, first to improve communication with the enigmatic Alien Nations, and later to dominate the known galaxy.
The Xenocross did not mesh well with the supposed perfected humanity doctrine of the Zenithians, and so the Xenocross were violently suppressed. Despite the Imperium’s willingness to commit genocide, some of the Xenocross escaped and regrouped, eventually forming their own Imperium to rival the Zenith.
They clashed in a three way war between the Human Strategic Commonweath, the Zenith Imperium, and the new Xenocross Imperium. The HSC and the Zenith soon allied and defeated the upstart Imperium. The Xenocross would survive however to form the core of the Concordancy.
The society of the Xenocross was regarded as similar to the Zenith, except perhaps with a significant strain of alien culture.